Lazy Bear Games: I'll tell you more. We mostly work with small-scale translators, and their tools are Google Spreadsheets and Google Docs. Your CAT tool is like a BFG in the world of translation—hats off, truly.
Build your personal translation AI while never losing the human touch
Cattitude seamlessly integrates with cutting-edge AI technologies like ChatGPT and ModernMT, creating a translation powerhouse that learns from you. While ChatGPT itself isn't self-learning, we feed it information in a way that mimics self-improvement, leveraging existing fuzzy matches in your translation memory to refine results dynamically. Cattitude also supports DeepL and Amazon Web Services.
Support for countless formats and fully compatible with memoQ and SDL Trados
Currently Cattitude offers full support for Word (DOC, DOCX), JSON, memoQ XLIFF, MemSource XLIFF, PO, SDL Trados, SDL XLIFF, Smartcat XLIFF, CrowdIn XLIFF, SRT, TXT, Wordbee XLIFF, Excel (XLS, XLSX), CSV, Adobe InDesign and the number is only growing.
Managing multiple languages never was so easy
Easily assign projects to multiple translators in multiple languages, who can all work on said project simultaneously. Thanks to distributed computing, there are no bandwidth issues, ever.
Patched Matching glues sentences together, turning this 84% match into a 100% match
This unique feature, that is found in no other tool, searches each sentence in a segment separately. If it discovers the sentence is part of another sentence in your memory, it will glue the result together with the other sentences in this segment. If nothing is found in the memory, the sentence will be machine-translated instead. The result is a segment consisting of both machine-translated and partially matched sentences, giving a result no other CAT tool can match.
Constructed Matching searches and replaces terms, turning this 96% match with three different terms into a 100% match
Constructed Matching continues where other CAT tools stop: it recognizes sequences of up to six defined terms in one match and tries to search and replace them with other known terms. This is a great way to turn Fuzzy Matches into Perfect Matches instantaneously!
Add and delete custom tags with RegEx as you translate, without re-import
RegEx is a simple language that you can use to separate code from text by converting the codes to ◀️️️tags▶️. It's easy to make mistakes in RegEx and it often takes a few tries to define your tags the way you want them to be. Cattitude is the only tool that allows you to make and undo RegEx changes on the fly without you needing to reload the project. And project managers: yes, for all languages at once.
A very strict terminology QA, without false positives and negatives
You want to make sure your terminology is consistent, but you don't want false warnings. Cattitude checks terminology on the fly and warns you immediately if something is wrong to prevent ongoing errors. It also forces you to define terminology very precisely to ensure consistency. For each term you can indicate whether it should be applied to all projects and whether the case of said term should be ignored. The case of terms is corrected automatically, and you can also temporarily disable the enforcement of certain terms.
Define your own interface skins
You don't like our colors? Then define your own! You can change every single color in the interface to your liking.
Import Excel files the way you want and change whatever you want without re-import
You can import Excel files including string ID's, context information and length restrictions. Ignore rows, only import certain rows, do the same with columns, and edit import settings to your heart's content, all live while looking at the Excel itself, without needing to re-import anything.
Context info is displayed right below every string, for immediate read without hovering
In other CAT tools you need to click buttons or hover your mouse over icons to see important context about strings. In Cattitude, this information is presented right below each segment, reducing errors in your translation that were made because you made the wrong assumptions about context.
Proofread existing translations while benefiting from full machine translation, matching, concordance and QA functionality
That's right. Cattitude is the only tool that allows you to compare machine translations from your engine and matches from your own memory with the translation you need to proofread. Finalize the existing translation by pressing one button, or use your own resources if a full retranslation is necessary. You decide which approach to take for every segment.
Import SDLX memories and terminology without cross-contaminating your own databases
Sometimes the client's memory and terminology database are good. Sometimes they're not so good. To make sure your personal databases contain only verified translations, SDLX memories and term lists are imported separately: they will still generate matches, you can still use them for concordance and terminology QA will still be enforced, but translations won't be sent to your own memory until you say so.
Get full context during subtitle translation
You can get full context for the text you're currently translating, while the corresponding video fragment is being played automatically as soon as your cursor hits the segment. No other CAT tool has this feature.
Fully internal Q&A with project manager, right below the respective segment
Tired of query sheets and sending questions from translators and answers from clients to and fro? In Cattitude translators can fire their questions directly from the segment they're working on. Questions asked and answers given are displayed right below each segment for all languages at once, so that translators won't need to check query sheets manually and won't make wrong assumptions, while both project managers and translators can ensure no question is ever asked twice.
Split lines in for example SRT files evenly
Need to split your text evenly over multiple lines, like in subtitling? Cattitude is the only CAT tool in the world that does this automatically for you. And if you have edited the segment in question, you can redistribute the lines with just one click.
Convert times in different time zones automatically
Is your text loaded with times from different time zones? Cattitude recognizes and converts them automatically, taking into account both summer and winter time.
Full support for dictation
Dictate on whatever platform you use: if your browser supports it, Cattitude supports it. Here you see Nuance's Dragon Speech in action.
Most advanced support for length restrictions in the world
Yes, Cattitude offers support for length restrictions in both Excel and XLIFF files. But it also stores these length restrictions in your memory, so that exact matches that were shortened will still be offered as matches, but never as exact matches. This way you can leverage your memory as much as possible without sacrificing quality.
Advanced support for highlighting
Highlight filtered words in both source and target, no matter their case.
Term Modifications: a unique feature to steer your matches and machine translations
Cattitude is the only CAT tool that enables you to modify terms if your machine translation engine or translation memory is obnoxious and keeps giving the wrong suggestions.
Incredibly powerful search and replace feature with RegEx
Search and replace words in your client's memory or all memories at once, narrow searches based on stringID's and exclude segments on the fly. Cattitude offers you the perfect symbiosis between power and precision. And yes, you can propagate these changes into your terminology database in one go.
Full integration with ChatGPT's Artificial Intelligence
In combination with ChatGPT, Cattitude gets far better results than other tools due to the way it adapts prompts based on your current context, making sure its suggestions incorporate your style and terminology as much as possible.
High-quality transcription of videos based on AI
Do you need to transcribe your videos manually? No problem! Using the latest AI technology, Cattitude will come up with high-quality transcriptions that require very little editing. The quality is outstanding, even in videos with lots of background noise and music.
Live tracking of estimated time of completion
Speed Track meticulously observes and calculates your average speed over a specified timeframe, providing an insightful glimpse into the expected time of project completion.
Non-learning engine

14 euro per month

The basic version which can only be linked to DeepL and Amazon Web Services (general machine translation engines that do not learn). Of course Cattitude itself still behaves like a fully-fledged translation tool with all the bells and whistles you need!

In Cattitude you still train your own translation memory for matches. And matches is where our tool really shines: no CAT tool in the world digs as deep as Cattitude!
Self-learning engine

19 euro per month
(plus 25 USD per month for ModernMT)

A version with a ModernMT base engine which is self-learning and can be improved while you feed it from Cattitude. For this you'd need a separate subscription at ModernMT of 25 USD per month (first month is free).

For less field-specific and more general suggestions, you can also use DeepL and Amazon Web Services, which is fully integrated into Cattitude. The edited result can still be used to train your ModernMT base engine, resulting in a win-win situation for every user.

In Cattitude you train both the machine translation engine plus your own translation memory for matches.
Non-learning engine

30 euro per month

Same as the Standard Edition, but including 3 Guest Licenses so that you can form your own translation team.
Self-learning engine

35 euro per month
(plus 25 USD per month for ModernMT)

Same as the Premium Edition, but including 3 Guest Licenses so that you can form your own translation team.
Only for the Standard Project Manager and Premium Project Manager Editions

5 euro per month per license


Our promise:

1. You won't be subscribed to any newsletters or whatsoever.
2. Your data will not be sold. We hate spam as much as you do.
3. You will receive a username and password for your free 1-month trial within 24 hours.
4. No sales talk and no strings attached!
5. Full user support during office hours.

Full name

E-mail address (double-check!)
Link to online profile
(This is to make sure we're dealing with a human being and not a spam robot.)
Preferred tier
Language pair 1 (source, target)
Language pair 2 (source, target)
Language pair 3 (source, target)
The demo is limited to 3 language pairs, but the full version supports an unlimited number of language pairs (the first 3 without additional costs).
